The purpose of the fund is to secure funding for the interim and final storage of radioactive waste that arises from the commercial use of nuclear energy to generate electricity in Germany. KENFO manages a portfolio of approximately EUR 24.1 billion. The money was paid in by the operators of the nuclear power plants in Germany. The fund’s resources may only be used for this purpose. The foundation reimburses the Federal Republic of Germany for the costs that have already arisen for the safe disposal of radioactive waste and that will be incurred in the future.
KENFO is managed by a board of managing directors consisting of three members. It is supervised by the board of trustees, which consists of members of the Bundestag and representatives of the German federal government, and also the legal supervision of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Federal Ministry of Finance, and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety. An investment council composed of international financial experts advises the board of trustees.
KENFO has a unique, socially significant and responsible task. It was founded to ensure the long-term financing of interim and final storage of radioactive waste in Germany. In order to fulfil this mission in the best possible way, a common understanding of the organisation's mandate, core competencies and values is necessary. This is laid down in the mission statement and code of conduct. As the largest foundation under public law in Germany, we make our principles for responsible behaviour and integrity transparently available to the public.
The foundation is still under construction. A small, dynamic team consisting of the three managing directors and approximately 30 employees is currently handling the highly interesting and responsible tasks. KENFO will employ additional employees in future. The work on offer is interesting, complex, and varied.